Your Writing Matters®
Signature Courses for Litigators
The judge wants a clean fight, your client wants blood, and your opponent wants your head on a platter. These six courses teach litigators how to keep everyone happy—except opponents. The series includes original techniques for uncovering the best facts, telling the judge a story, building a bulletproof argument, all of which will help you win more motions and cases.
(Total - 4 hours)
One of the biggest thorns in the side of every litigator is the difficulty of squeezing every holding, every fact, every thought into the number of words the court is willing to allow. Here are several ways to reduce that number without sacrificing content.
(Total - 4 hours)
Gary is available for a 30-minute or one-hour online session to answer your questions about writing, cases, briefs, storytelling, editing. Whatever you would like to discuss.
Please Note:
SINGLE VIEWERS may purchase courses directly on this website.
MULTIPLE VIEWERS may purchase by completing the Multiple Viewer Request form.
Getting the Judge to Say, “Yes!”
If we understand what is important to the ultimate arbiter—and what she is trying to do on the bench—we increase our odds of winning.
41:26 minutes
Unlike law school and the bar exam, in a practice no one hands us the facts. We have to go out and find them, yet no one teaches us how. As a lawyer and bestselling investigative reporter, Gary shows litigators how to discover what really happened.
41:58 minutes
Ironically, litigators open a brief by presenting the other side’s case, instead of framing it immediately from their client’s perspective. In this course, litigators learn how to enlighten a judge about their client’s case from the first sentence.
45:11 minutes
Everyone, including judges, loves to hear a story. When litigators learn the secret to telling one, they can use it to help educate and persuade a judge.
30:02 minutes
If we know how to choose the right words and arrange them in the right order, we can make our case come alive in the mind of the one who will decide. And when our client’s case lives in the judge’s mind, he is more likely to decide for our client.
38:09 minutes
Gary shows litigators how to weave sentences of argument to create a paragraph no one can penetrate or deny.
24:51 minutes
We all need more time. Here’s how to conquer writer’s block and get something on paper you can rapidly improve.
18:55 minutes
One month after completing Getting the Judge to Say, “Yes!”, each lawyer will receive The Litigation Checklist, a twenty-item list a litigator can check off to ensure his brief is the most convincing document he can put before a judge.
$595 (per person)
$795 (per person), if combined with Meeting Page Limits
Single viewers may purchase courses directly on this website by selecting the “Single-Viewer License” button.
Multiple viewers should submit a Multiple Viewer Request form to receive an invoice and a link to a private checkout page.
Groups of 20 or more receive an increasing discount. Please visit the pricing page for more information.
Downloadable materials included
60-day access

Meeting Page Limits™
Even the best writers will find new ways to recognize wording they can quickly delete. The method has received 12 patents from the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office.
47:06 minutes
Gary narrates the editing of each sentence and paragraph, as litigators look for dull and unnecessary words to remove for a tighter, more informative brief.
58:34 minutes
After you’ve removed words and phrases that do not convey meaning, here are eight more ways to reduce the length of a brief even further.
54:15 minutes
Using a word incorrectly casts doubt on everything else a lawyer writes. This course explains the difference between the most-often confused word pairs—from that/which to lay/lie—and how to use each properly.
41:07 minutes
Three months after completing Meeting Page Limits, Power Editing Refresher will arrive in your email inbox.
The refresher will review the Power Editing System and provide more editing examples for practice, with explanations for every edit. It will also review Eight More Ways to Meet Page Limits and add four new ways to remove even more words.
*available for 14 days
25:12 minutes
$295 (per person)
$795 (per person), if combined with Getting the Judge to Say, Yes!
Single Viewers may purchase courses directly on this website by selecting the “Single-Viewer License” button.
Multiple Viewers should submit a Multiple Viewer Request form to receive an invoice and a link to a private checkout page.
Groups of 20 or more receive an increasing discount. Please visit the pricing page for more information.
Downloadable materials included
30-day access

Meet with Gary online to ask questions about cases, briefs, grammar, editing, and judges.
$695 (30 minutes)
$995 (one hour)